Muuttuva Eurooppa (790307A)

11.11.2013, Tentaattori, Maaria Niskala

1. Choose and answer to two questions from three choices a, b, c:
a) Discuss about the relationships between the EU and non-EU states and give examples of these based on the lectures
b) What are the future challenges for the EU?
c) Explain the main features of the economic development of the Balkan area after the break-up of Yugoslavia

2. Explain different concepts of the border according to the book by McNeill

14.10.2013 Tentaattori Maaria Niskala

Notice that you have to answer to both parts 1 and 2

1. Please choose and answer to two questions from 3 choices:
a) Explain what is meant by ”decision-making triangle” in the EU and their main roles. (lectures: Niskala)
b) What are the future challenges for the EU? (lectures: Niskala)
c) Shortly explain: (lectures: Loncar)
– Balkan
– Balkanization
– Middle Europe

2. Explain different concepts of the border according to the book by McNeill (2004)

30.9.2013, tentaattori: Maaria Niskala

1. Please choose and answer to two questions from three choices a, b, c:
a) Explain what is meant by ”decision-making triangle” in the EU and their main roles (lectures: Niskala)
b) Explain what is meant by ”gated community” in the context of European Union (lectures: Niskala)
c) Shortly explain the words:
– Balkan
– Balkanization
– Middle Europe (lectures: Loncar)

2. Please answer the following question: Describe tourism in Europe according to the book by McNeill (2004)

22.10.2012, Tentaattori: Élise Lépy

Part 1. Answer to (all) the following questions (half of total points)
1. What was the aim of the treaty of Paris?
2. How does the decision-making process of the European Union work?
3. What are the purposes of the regional policy of the European Union?
4. What are the relations between the European Union and the Nordic countries?

Part 2. Answer to one of the two questions according to Donald McNeill’s New Europe: Imagined Spaces (half of total points)
1. According to McNeill, how can be defined ”corporeal travel” in Europe? Give some examples.
2. According to McNeill, what are the main reasons of the resurgence of regional identities? Give some examples.

24.9.2012, Tentaattori: Élise Lépy

Part 1. Answer to (all) the following questions (puolet pisteistä)
1. What are the geographical limits of the European Union?
2. What are the criteria for a country to adopt the Euro as its currency?
3. What are the institutional bodies of the decision-making triangle and its roles?
4. What is the current situation of the Eurozone crisis?

Part 2. Answer to one of the two questions related to the book entitled “New Europe: Imagined spaces” from Donald McNeill (2004, 206 p.) (puolet pisteistä)
1. According to McNeill, how can be defined the the concepts of the the border? Give some examples.
2. According to McNeill. What are the four approaches to define the “European city”? Give some examples.

17.10.2011, Tentaattori: Élise Lépy

Part 1. Answer to the (all) following questions (this part counts for half of total points)

1. What were the main contributions of the Treaty of Maastricht?
2. What is the Common Agricultural Policy for?
3. What are the main roles of the decision-making bodies of the European Union?
4. What are the main futue challenges for the European Union?

Part 2. Answer to one of the two questions related to the book entitled ”New Europe: Imagined Spaces” From Donald McNeill (2004, 206p.) (This part counts for half of total points)

1. According to McNeill, how can be defined the ”corporeal travel” in Europe? Give some examples.
2. According to McNeill, what are the main reasons of the resurgence of regional identities? Gove some examples.

16.10.2006, Tentaattori: Juha Ridanpää

1. Euroopan alueellinen määrittely on historiallisesta näkökulmasta hyvin ongelmallinen kysymys. Miksi?

2. Vastaa yhteen seuraavista kysymyksistä:
a) Pohjoinen ulottuvuus sosiaalisena konstruktiona. (S. Moisio. Back to Baltoscandia? European Union and Geo-Conceptual Remarking of the European North)
b) Temelin ydinvoimalan tapaus nostaa hyvin esiin, kuinka käsitys eurooppalaisesta turvallisuudesta ei aina sovi yhteen itäeurooppalaisen turvallisuuskäsityksen kanssa. Mitä seurauksia tällä on ollut EU´n laajenemisen näkökulmasta? (Regina Axelrod. Nuclear Power and EU Enlargement: The Case of Temelin)
c) Miten englanninkielen hegemoninen asema osana globaalia tiedekeskustelua on yhteydessä kysymykseen eurooppalaisesta ´toiseudesta´? (Nicky A Gregson, Kristen Simonsen, Dina Vaiou (2003). Writing (Across) Europe: On Writing Spaces and Writing Practices.) (Ray Hudson, Allan M. Williams. European Voices: Towards the Internationalization of Academic Discourse.)

HUOM!!! Jos jokin kysymys pohjautuu ryhmäsi esittämään artikkeliin, et saa vastata siihen!!! Merkitse lisäksi erikseen, minkä artikkelin (tai artikkelit) ryhmänne esitti.

26.9.2003-29.9.2003. Tentaattori Toivo Muilu.

Kuulusteluissa etukäteen 10 kysymystä, joista yhteen vastattiin max 6 sivun kotiesseellä.

1. Euroopan ikääntyvä väestö EU:n työvoima ja väestöpoliittisena haasteena
2. Yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan (YMP) uudistus – maaseutupolitiikan uusi mahdollisuus?
3. Euroopan energiatalous, sen ongelmat ja EU:n energiapolitiikka
4. Euroopan keskeisimmät ympäristöongelmat ja EU:n ympäristöpolitiikka
5. Matkailun uhat ja mahdollisuudet Euroopassa
6. Sosiaalinen Eurooppa – ongelmia vai utopioita
7. Vähemmistöt osana kansallisuuksien Eurooppaa
8. Euroopan avautuvat ja sulkeutuvat rajat – uhkia ja mahdollisuuksia
9. Laajenevan EU:n jännitteet ja mahdollisuudet