Geoinformatiikan kirjatentti (791630S)

1.9.2014, tentaattori: Jarmo Rusanen

Kirja: Longley, Paul A., Michael F. Goodchildt, David J. Maguire & Dawid W. Rhind (2011). Geographic Information Systems and Science. Wiley. Third edition. 517 p. Luvut 1-6, 8, ja 14-16

1. Georeferencing
2. Uncertainty
3. Geographic data modelling
4. Spatial analysis and inference

23.9.2013, tentaattori: Jarmo Rusanen

Kirja: Geographical information systems and science (3 op)

1) Georeferencing
2) Uncertainty
3) What is spatial analysis?
4) Spatial modeling with GIS